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Startups & Young Innovators

Focus on young companies

Startup@ISH Area

Startup@ISH stand

Location: Hall 11.1, C51

Young innovative companies can present themselves in the “Innovation Hub” in Hall 11.1. The start-up area organized by the Building and Energy Business Association (VdZ) offers an ideal platform that focuses on the next generation of the industry. The aim is to make it easier for young companies to enter the market and offer them access to a broad network of new contacts. Here they have the opportunity to network and present their own innovations.

Young Innovators Area

Logo Young Innovators

Location: Hall 11.1, C39

Together with the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), Messe Frankfurt supports young companies. The aim is to offer young companies a platform that facilitates market entry and helps them to consolidate their business.

In this area, young and innovative companies from Germany present their products and businesses. Come visit them in Hall 11.1.