
Solutions for Heat Generation

ISH presents an impressive variety of innovative solutions for heat generation.

Heat generation solutions offer a variety of options that focus on efficiency, sustainability and environmental compatibility. Electricity-based heating systems utilise electrical energy and environmental energy to generate heat. These systems enable sustainable and flexible use of electricity, especially when it comes from renewable sources, and help to reduce the environmental impact.
Biomass heating systems are among the innovative approaches that utilise organic materials to generate heat.
Local and district heating supplies heat from combined heat and power plants via short or extensive pipe networks to residential and commercial units.
Modern gas and liquid-based heating systems maximise energy efficiency by not only burning the fuel, but also using the residual heat contained in the exhaust gases. This leads to a higher overall utilisation of the energy used and reduces energy consumption.

Solutions for the heat generation
Heating system

Electricity-based heating systems represent an innovative solution in heat generation based on electrical energy. This technology is becoming increasingly important, particularly in light of the energy transition and the increased use of renewable energies. There are various types of electricity-based heating systems, including heat pumps, infrared heaters and electric underfloor heating. Heat pumps use electrical energy to extract environmental heat from the air, water or ground and use it for heating purposes. Heat pump heating systems with photovoltaic and battery integration are a particularly energy-efficient solution for heating a building. They combine the use of renewable energy from photovoltaic modules or geothermal energy with the storage and use of surplus energy in a battery. Infrared heaters convert electrical energy into infrared radiation, which heats objects and surfaces in the room. Electric underfloor heating systems, on the other hand, generate heat through the direct resistance of electric current in heating cables under the floor covering. A major advantage of electricity-based heating systems is their flexibility and the possibility of using them in conjunction with renewable energy sources. Solar, wind or water energy can be fed directly into the electricity grid and used for electricity-based heat generation. This enables a seamless transition to a sustainable, low-emission heat supply.

Visitors at a fair stand

Biomass heating systems use organic materials such as wood, pellets, wood chips or biological waste to generate heat.
A major advantage of biomass heating systems is their CO2-neutral balance. The carbon released during combustion is absorbed as the plants or trees grow, creating a largely closed cycle. This helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The versatility of biomass as a fuel enables the use of different types of systems, depending on local conditions and individual requirements. For example, wood pellet stoves are well suited for use in residential buildings, while larger systems that run on wood chips are used for industrial purposes. Biomass heating systems offer a promising opportunity to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. When combined with a solar thermal system and a modern flue gas system, the biomass heating system becomes particularly sustainable.

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Local and district heating networks are smaller or larger heating networks that transport heat as closed circuits via the transport medium of water through highly insulated pipelines to residential and building units. The heat generated by combined heat and power, waste incineration plants, wood chip plants, industrial waste heat and other energy sources is transferred to the heating circuit in the building at the transfer station via a heat exchanger.
Heat generated via geothermal energy can be fed into a cold local heating network, which provides heating and hot water for the building via a water heat pump.
By using large heat pumps and heat storage systems, heating networks can compensate for fluctuations in the electricity sector caused by renewable energies. In densely populated areas and conurbations, local and district heating will play an increasingly important role in the energy transition in the building sector.

Gas & liquid-based heating system

For geographical, technical or financial reasons, it may be sensible or necessary to use an efficient heating system with renewable liquid or gaseous energy sources when modernising a heating system.
"Green fuels" or "e-fuels" pave the way to a climate-neutral future. This is demonstrated by numerous practical examples in which efficient condensing boilers are already being operated with greenhouse gas-reduced heating oil. "Green fuels" or "e-fuels" are alternative liquid fuels that are produced in different ways and are intended to replace fossil heating oil in the long term.
With gas-fueled condensing boilers, completely climate-neutral heat generation can be achieved by using hydrogen and hydrogen-based energy sources. The gas network is largely H2-compatible. Most pipework components in the distribution network are already hydrogen-compatible in principle. The condensing boilers available today are already approved for the use of 20 % hydrogen. The heating industry is currently working on H2-ready appliances that can be converted to 100 % H2 and will soon be available.